News and Inspiration
Check here for updates on the latest developments from the Georgia IRP hearings and Georgia Legislative
Session concerning fossil fuels, clean energy, and related proposals and legislation.You'll also find inspiring ideas and perspectives from youth and adult climate activists working to drive critical change in Georgia.

Lily Mae Bacik
GA Tech Sophomore
March 1, 2025
Hi there! I’m so excited that you found this website and I hope you plan to join us in urging our Georgia Public Service Commissioners to reject any requests Georgia Power makes to delay retiring coal plants or expand their use of natural gas. Instead, we must demand a rapid transition to clean energy during the 2025 Georgia Power Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) hearings.​
In January of 2024, I was one of 17 students who delivered public comments together during the unexpected off-cycle IRP hearings. Speaking directly to the Commissioners was a little intimidating, but we had researched, prepared, and knew we were backed by science and truth. Afterward, we all felt exhilarated and proud of having spoken up—and ready to do it again!
Unfortunately, despite clear economic and climate science arguments for clean energy alternatives, the Commissioners approved Georgia Power’s massive fossil fuel expansion request. We can’t let that happen again! Numbers matter, and we need many more people to raise their voices. Whether you dedicate several hours to this effort or just spend 5 minutes submitting a written public comment, your participation will help to put pressure on the Commissioners to pay attention and act.
If you’re thinking about making a public comment at a hearing, I strongly encourage you to go for it! Last year, several students who made public comments were quoted in both local and state media. To help you get started, below is a link to the comments my group made last year, complete with footnotes. Feel free to use any of our comments - every point is worth repeating! Or reach out to us at RiseUpForCleanEnergy.com and be part of a new team that will craft and present additional group comments together during the 2025 IRP hearings.
Together, we can make a difference!​​