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  Speakers at the January 16th PSC Hearing. 

Georgia is on the Front Line in the Fight for Clean Energy.

Update: On April 16th, our Commissioners granted Georgia Power all of its fossil fuel requests. It was devastating, but our efforts were not totally in vain. We learned a lot about who to approach and how to approach them, and there is now much greater momentum for demanding that our Commissioners deny any future fossil fuel requests and instead require Georgia Power to rapidly transition to clean and renewable energy.

We will share more about what happened and update the website soon. For now, please consider signing up to be a Clean Energy Leader or Clean Energy Volunteer over the summer. (Click on the buttons above to learn more.) 

Georgia Power, the monopoly electricity provider for most of our state, is seeking permission from its regulator, the Georgia Public Service Commission, to ramp up fossil fuel energy production. This request ignores the worldwide scientific community’s urgent call to rapidly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and to pivot to clean and renewable energy in order to avoid further global warming and increasingly dire impacts.

Georgia Power is one of the first utilities to request such permission after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed. The legislation provides funding that makes building new clean energy infrastructure cheaper than building and relying on fossil fuels.

Georgia Power is one of the first utilities to request such permission after the Inflation Reduction Act was passed. The legislation provides funding that makes building new clean energy infrastructure cheaper than building and relying on fossil fuels.

It's now up to just 5 people!

It all comes down to the decision of our 5 elected Georgia Public Service Commissioners. If they grant Georgia Power’s request, other utility regulators are likely to follow their lead. This will make the attainment of national and global climate action, public health, and energy transition goals impossible. Learn more here.

It's imperative that we, Georgia’s constituents, influence our Georgia Public Service Commissioners to deny this request. By doing so, we can protect our communities from the adverse effects of increased fossil fuel usage. It is our responsibility to leave future generations with clean air, clean water, and a livable climate.

Add your voice to influence climate action.

We are working to connect the Commissioners with youth, parents, grandparents, healthcare professionals, public health professionals, and climate scientists to help them to gain a deeper understanding of the urgent climate change issues across Georgia, how they relate to fossil fuel energy production, and how they impact Georgia's economy, environment, and people. Please scroll down to see how you can add your voice and make an impact! We must act now. Later is too late.

Meet  our 5 Georgia Public Service Commissioners

whose decisions in April will determine whether Georgia will have a clean or dirty energy future.










A quick action you can take right now!

Our Commissioners need to know that lots of people care about the climate and want clean energy!

Click here for instructions on how to quickly make a brief written public comment and email to Commissioners. 

Save the date: April 11

Join with others to make public comments at the last Commission hearing on Georgia Power's fossil fuel request.


This is a key moment for people of all ages to show up in person and demand climate action!

Climate Strike at US Capitol_edited.png

It is often the visible calls to action that get media attention and have the most impact. Climate activists, particularly youth, who took to the streets and to legislative offices to demand climate action, are credited with creating momentum for significant climate policies and legislation at state, national and international levels. But so much more needs to be done.

We are on the front lines to lead the change for clean energy.
It really is time to rise up and show up!  We can spread the word, and put pressure on and provide support for our Georgia Public Service Commissioners to choose clean energy over dirty fossil fuels.

Plan to attend the last public hearing that the Commissioners will have before they announce their decisions on April 16. 

Some image and quotes from the January PSC hearing.

Lily Mae Barcik: "It was amazing to learn about how important decisions are being made in Georgia and empowering to know that I have a voice in that process."

Flannery Childers: "I'm so glad that we made public comments, but it will take more people to sway the Commissioners."

Kathryn Brock: "It was exhilarating to talk directly to the commissioners."

Ben Hastie: "It was great that the local media reported on us. If more people show up at the next hearing, the national media might show up!"

Help Mobilize Your Campus

Your club, team, fraternity, sorority, or group of friends can make a big impact! The following are resources and materials to help you spread awareness and action on the power we constituents have to influence GA Public Service Commission to deny GA Power's request to increase fossil fuel energy


Stand for Clean Energy: Stop Georgia Power's Threat. Their push for increased fossil fuel production undermines our renewable energy goals, risking national security and exacerbating climate crises. It is also a social justice issue. Polluting coal and oil/gas plants are located near disadvantaged populations and communities of color. As a result, they bear a disproportionate burden of environmental harms and adverse health outcomes.

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